Classroom Strategies for English Learners

It can take five to 10 years for an English Learner (EL) to develop native-like proficiency. Below are a few of the many strategies you can use while working with ELs.

  • Connect students’ prior knowledge, interests and life experiences to instruction.
  • Increase interaction through cooperative strategies and activities.
  • Shorten and modify assignments.
  • Clarify concepts using visual aids, pictures, clear and large print, videos, computer-assisted instruction, gestures, modeling and graphic organizers.
  • Further clarify key concepts in the native language, if necessary. Make appropriate use of bilingual/multi-lingual staff to respond to emergencies, clarify key concepts and interpret for families.
  • Utilize instructional strategies such as models, maps, journals, diagrams, collages, displays, role-playing, art projects and demonstrations.
  • Focus on the student’s message rather than on grammar, phrasing or pronunciation.
  • Simplify language, paraphrase often (especially for newcomers) and make sure directions are understood.
  • Demonstrate abstract concepts by first using manipulatives.
  • Accompany oral directions with written directions for student reference.
  • Provide peer or cross-age tutoring.
  • Post models, rubrics and daily objectives for student reference.
  • Increase wait time. Do not force shy students to speak.

Classroom Strategies for English Learners