Gifted & Talented

Program Overview

Each school district must incorporate gifted and talented programming into its comprehensive school improvement plan as required by Iowa Code section 257.42. The Iowa Code also defines gifted and talented students as “those identified as possessing outstanding abilities who are capable of high performance. Gifted and talented children are children who require appropriate instruction and educational services commensurate with their abilities and needs beyond those provided by the regular school program.”

Areas of Support

Heartland AEA provides services specifically tied to improving Gifted Education (TAG, G/T) programming. Services include:

  • Professional learning for educators
  • Assistance in meeting Iowa Code requirements for gifted education
  • Guidance on the development and implementation of comprehensive gifted and talented program plans in schools and districts
  • Data support for districts with gifted and talented program identification

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Important Contacts

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Kate Boonstra

Kate Boonstra

  • Gifted & Talented Consultant
Kyra Wilcox-Conley

Kyra Wilcox-Conley

  • Gifted & Talented Consultant

Gifted & Talented