School Counseling

Areas of Support

School counselor support services and professional development are provided by Heartland AEA through multiple opportunities:

  • A school counseling listserve is maintained to communicate resources and supports.
  • School counselors participate in a needs assessment every two years to determine professional learning needs and every effort is made to match professional learning to those needs.
  • Most importantly, counselors are encouraged to meet on an ongoing basis throughout the year to study their current plans, analyze data and align curriculum.
  • Counselor Academy is now available as a self-directed course. Check out AEA Learning Online to take this for credit or to increase your learning around the ASCA National Model, 4th Edition.
  • The Transformed School Counselor Video explores the role of the transformed school counselor and how they could and should be used in the school setting.

To be included on the school counseling listserve, contact Sue Schirmer.

For additional information, visit:

Iowa School Counseling Framework

Iowa Department of Education

Important Contacts

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Susen Schirmer

Sue Schirmer

  • Professional Learning & Leadership Consultant

School Counseling